A certain woman pictured above was said to be trapped in a drainage with people wondering how a human could have been trapped in such a small space well if you believe in superstitions you might have began to understand where this story is going..
Report from Eazy Media blog
At the early hours of about 9am 25th of April 2014, a passerby noticed someone stretching out a hand from a very small hole in a 6ft deep gutter just in front of Army Baracks Ojuelegba surulere, Lagos, calling out
for help, the passerby quickly ran into the Army barracks to alert their attention to what he saw.
In just few minutes the place was crowded with people saying all sort of things about the lady inside the gutter, some say she's a witch, some say she's was on her way from oshogbo and got sucked in the gutter, and so on.
A representative of Eazymedia got to the scene and took picture of the lady inside the gutter, while taking pictures, he asked her some questions like 'What are you doing inside the gutter?' she replied ''Please I need
water, help me'' she was crying while answering the question.
20munites later, A senior officer of the Nigerian Army asked the soldiers to get her out of the gutter for safety, a welder around the environment was able to open up one of the Iron used to cover gutters, and she was finally brought out. She was brought out by a good Samaritan who entered the gutter to help her out.
After she was brought out naked, a piece of Nylon was found with her and it was used to cover her up. The representative of Eazymedia now had a chat with her while she's out of the gutter. these were her words:-
My name is Amudat Jimoh, It was God that sent me here, He (GOD) said i should confess my sins so that i don't die, please i need water to drink, help me, i don't know i found myself here, please help me
A Lagos State ambulance later arrived and she was taken to away for proper medical attention.

Bizzare to say the least!