Please please please say a prayer for the Gospel Diva Kefee. she was on a flight to the US, fell ill and an emergency landing was effected for her to get access to medical care which she did but she has since fallen into a coma and is said to be on life support.
Her Friend reportedly sent out this message this morning..
"Kefee is more than a colleague to me, she is a friend and a sister. I know we all love her and that is why I'm asking us to #PrayForKEFEE.You may have heard by now that she, Kefee the Branama queen, collapsed on a flight to Chicago after a performance... fact is... she is still in coma. Wherever u are, all over the world I need you to #PrayForKefee #KefeeMustWakeUp God will hear our prayers and wake her up. Remember her in all ur prayers and have faith that God has done it!Pray any way u know how... #PrayForKEFEE!"
Please lets join hands and lift Kefee in prayers for a miraculous recovery.AMEN!